The RAJA Group is delighted to support artist Eva Jospin’s new exhibition Selva, which takes over Venice’s Museo Fortuny for the occasion, dialoguing with the theatricality of its architecture (curated by Chiara Squarcina and Pier Paolo Pancotto). The exhibition runs from April 10 to November 24, 2024, coinciding with the 60th Venice Biennale.
Forests, niches, vaulted passages, and embroideries unfold in the exhibition space, altering the viewer’s perception and creating a dreamlike universe of striking detail that is unique to Eva Jospin’s artistic approach.
This sponsorship initiative for the exhibition, jointly carried out by RAJA and its Italian subsidiaries Raja Italy and Mondoffice, demonstrates the renewed support of the RAJA Group and its corporate art collection for the artist’s work.
Indeed, the RAJA Contemporary Art Collection includes among its works one of Eva Jospin’s first cardboard forests, the work Forêt 12 (2014), acquired by Danièle Marcovici back in 2016.

“Through the use of poor materials – cardboard, plant-based elements and fibers, metal portions, fabric – she gives life to plastic compositions, even of great volume, and strong scenic impact, which evoke or recreate, in their own way, the world that is at the center of her interests: landscapes, trees, plants, branches, leaves, geological formations, pieces of vegetation, architectural structures.
They have a fairy-tale tone, at times mysterious, almost magical, and lead to reflection on various themes: intellectual processes of creation through which she expresses herself today as in the past, ecological and environmental issues, as well as the perception of the venue, which Eva Jospin’s works significantly alter both on intellectual and physical levels.
The artworks on display in Venice demonstrate this, as they not only dialogue with the historical and environmental context that welcomes them, the ancient Palazzo Pesaro, but also with the collections it houses, namely the rich and varied artistic production of Mariano Fortuny, revealing unexpected, sometimes surprising aesthetic and methodological affinities with the poetics of their interpreter. These similarities form the basis of the current project and constitute its essential reason motivating the choice of the exhibition venue.” (exhibition text)

To learn more: Museo Fortuny
📷 : Eva Jospin, vues de l’installation Selva, Musée Fortuny, Venise, 2024,
Courtesy de l’artiste et GALLERIA CONTINUA
Photos : Benoît Fougeirol
© ADAGP, Paris